Many people think that they cannot really make a huge difference in someones life, but most times, its not really the case. Even though I am doing a lot of grunt work, most people I work with are from all over the world and also have differing backgrounds. It is extremely rewarding to go out and meet with a new person, ask questions, listen a lot!, and then work with them. There is even a new level of teaching when in a new country with different views. As I work with them about how to do sales and how to rethink how they think about work and life, you can see internal and physical change. Pictured is an unnamed man I worked with in Asia and when I first came to him, he had been selling Meguiar's for about a year. Unfortunately he was dissatisfied with his job, not making the amount of money he wanted, could not sell and was just in a bad place overall. I worked with him over a 5 day period and did everything from how to dress and look to how to use the products and tools to even how to talk to people. After some working, I could see a HUGE improvement and the nice thing is that he will learn, change and this could possibly change his life for him and his family! I hope that next time I go and work in his area.....he has learned more and has really made a huge improvement. So far, I am extremely happy with helping him out, check out his picture...who would you rather work with?!?